English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rayuwa" ita ce:Yanayin da ke bambanta rayayyun halittu daga abubuwan da ba su da rai, wanda ke da girma, haifuwa, daidaitawa ga muhalli, da iyawa. don ba da amsa ga abubuwan motsa rai. Lokacin da ke tsakanin haihuwa da mutuwa, ko yanayin rayuwa a cikin wannan lokacin. da yanayin motsin rai, da abubuwan da suka faru da yanayin da suka tsara shi. > Yadda mutum yake rayuwa ko halinsa, gami da dabi'u, imaninsa, da ayyukansa.

Sentence Examples

  1. Through the guidance of my extended family and friends, who consistently encouraged me to pursue my passion, I found the confidence to take chances in life.
  2. Have you given up on life, or did it give up on you?
  3. Sparks of magic danced off the walls, creating a haze of blinding light, and I swore, flicking the stunner to life in my hand.
  4. Abby had spent most of her life specializing in broadcasting and media studies, following a similar post-undergraduate degree path as me.
  5. The shock brought her back to life, and she fought every step.
  6. Nell might have wanted a normal life for me, but she could never escape her own roots.
  7. Keep your personal opinions out of your work life.
  8. Writing has been a part of my life as much as my heart, my mind and my body.
  9. When life throws me a lemon-size curveball, I throw it right back into the universe and forget about it.
  10. Should I be switching to life coach and matchmaker extraordinaire?

TV Series Examples



But I would stake my life



He's spent half his life



ah, life is full of possibilities.



And life will go on.



Life is more elegant here.



Bran's life is in their hands now.