English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “liberal” tana da ma’anoni iri-iri, dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Gabaɗaya, kalmar "mai sassaucin ra'ayi" na iya nufin wani ko wani abu mai buɗaɗɗen hankali, mai karimci, ko tunani mai 'yanci. Ga wasu daga cikin mafi yawan ma’anar kalmar: Mai yarda ko mutunta haqqoqi da yanci, musamman a harkokin siyasa da zamantakewa. Imani da darajar ci gaba da kawo gyara, musamman ta fuskar siyasa da zamantakewa. , ko ra'ayin siyasa. , ko hanyoyin. ko bayar da shawarar ’yancin yin aiki da faɗar mutum, musamman a al’amuran da suka shafi imani ko ra’ayi. , ko tsarin siyasa da ake tambaya.

Sentence Examples

  1. I called her cruel, ungrateful, false, thankless, but above all covetous, since the wealth of my enemy had blinded the eyes of her affection, and turned it from me to transfer it to one to whom fortune had been more generous and liberal.
  2. But heaven forbid that, to gratify my own inclination, I should shake or shatter this pillar of letters and vessel of the sciences, and cut down this towering palm of the fair and liberal arts.
  3. Because of the history of the various races that came or were forcibly brought to Cape Town, and because of a generally more liberal populace, Cape Town has a high percentage colored population.
  4. Come, Señor Don Quixote, have some compassion for yourself, return to the bosom of common sense, and make use of the liberal share of it that heaven has been pleased to bestow upon you, employing your abundant gifts of mind in some other reading that may serve to benefit your conscience and add to your honour.
  5. Except the Sucklings and Bragges, there is not such another nursery establishment, so liberal and elegant, in all Mrs.
  6. He concluded a somewhat droll speech with a compliment upon what he was pleased to term the tact of Dupin, and made him a direct, and certainly a liberal proposition, the precise nature of which I do not feel myself at liberty to disclose, but which has no bearing upon the proper subject of my narrative.
  7. The expense shall not be thought of and though he is so liberal, and so fond of Jane that I dare say he would not mean to charge any thing for attendance, we could not suffer it to be so, you know.
  8. I live in New York City, grew up on Long Island, and graduated from Moravian College, an historic but small liberal arts school in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, with a degree in English literature and minors in Education, Business and Spanish.
  9. They are trained in this art from their youth, and are not always of noble birth, or liberal education.
  10. My parents were liberal college professors who claimed religion was a crutch for the ignorant.