English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "madaidaita" ita ce hanyar yin wani abu mai lebur, ko da, ko iri ɗaya a tsayi ko matsayi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin rage rashin daidaito ko bambance-bambance tsakanin mutane, kungiyoyi, ko abubuwa. A cikin ma'ana mai faɗi, daidaitawa na iya nufin tsarin kawo wani abu zuwa daidaitattun daidaito ko daidaita shi.


  1. equalisation
  2. equalization

Sentence Examples

  1. He wheeled and stalked to the door, leveling a last, livid glower over his shoulder.
  2. Carew had risen abruptly from his seat, another man sat on top of a barrel, his hands lashed behind him with leather straps, his mouth gagged, and a more than capable man sat next to him leveling a knife at his chest.
  3. Cap shot upward and performed a barrel roll over the enemy, leveling off on the opposite side.