English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "levee" tana da ma'anoni da yawa dangane da mahallin, amma mafi yawan ma'anar ƙamus ɗinta ita ce:Noun:A ɗaga da aka gina don hana ambaliya ta kogi ko wani ruwa. >Don ƙarfafa ko ɓoye (kogi) tare da levee. Don halartar ko shiga liyafar liyafa ko taron jama'a.

Sentence Examples

  1. Again, because it is a general complaint that the favorites of princes are troubled with short and weak memories, the same doctor proposed that whoever attended a first minister, after having told his business with the utmost brevity and in the plainest words, should at his departure give the said minister a tweak by the nose, or a kick in the belly, or tread on his corns, or lug him thrice by both ears, or run a pin into his breech, or pinch his arm black and blue, to prevent forgetfulness and at every levee day repeat the same operation, till the business were done or absolutely refused.
  2. Chunks of burning metal flew through the air and landed in the river or along the levee.
  3. They all watched as the helicopter lowered itself onto the pad on an elevated levee near the stadium.
  4. Then he walked to the crumbled remains of the town levee and pulled out his field scanner.
  5. Richard makes a comment about how silly it is to be scared of a little rain and I mentally picture him standing on my street at the moment of the levee break, when the rain was as horizontal as the trees.