English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ƙafa" na iya dogara ne akan mahallin da aka yi amfani da shi. Ga wasu ma’anoni masu yiwuwa: Gabarun da ke fitowa daga kasan gangar jikin mutum da dabbobi da yawa, ana amfani da su wajen tsayawa, tafiya da gudu. Tsarin wani kayan daki, kamar tebur ko kujera, waɗanda ke hutawa a ƙasa kuma suna ba da kwanciyar hankali. . Ikon mutum ko abu don jure ko ci gaba na dogon lokaci, ana amfani da shi a cikin jumlar "don samun ƙafafu." ana yawan amfani da shi a cikin mahallin jima’i ko abin da bai dace ba.Yana da muhimmanci a yi la’akari da mahallin da aka yi amfani da kalmar don sanin ma’anar da ta dace.

Sentence Examples

  1. The lines on the shoulders, sleeves, and pant legs were as sharp as a knife blade, but the sensible black pumps convinced me she was a no-nonsense gal.
  2. It was so hard to breathe, I had to sit and put my head between my legs for a good five minutes.
  3. She resembled a giant spider, but with a dozen legs and four heads, each bejewelled by six glowing green eyes.
  4. A gigantic reptilian creature towered over us, at least eight feet tall, stooped under the ceiling and perched on two legs like a dinosaur with two short, skeletal wings.
  5. He heard the ear-splitting chittering first, then the hideous scuttle of multiple legs.
  6. The boy kicked my legs out from under me, and I hit the ground again.
  7. I abandoned all pretence and tried to kick him, but the other guy had already grabbed my legs.
  8. I pretended to lose all strength in my legs, going limp.
  9. My legs were stiff from yesterday, but I could still feel the electric tingle of magic in my blood.
  10. I jumped to my feet, willing my legs to stop shaking.

TV Series Examples



Soon enough that child will spread her legs



rub my legs when they're sore



- You need legs to work a bow.