English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "leach" ita ce cirewa ko zubar da wani abu daga abu, yawanci ta hanyar aikin ruwa mai ruɗi. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin narkewa da ɗaukar ma'adanai ko abubuwan gina jiki daga ƙasa ko dutse ta hanyar aikin ruwa ko wasu ruwaye. Bugu da ƙari, "leach" yana iya nufin rasa ko ƙare wani abu na musamman saboda cire shi ta hanyar lalata ko wasu hanyoyi. A matsayin suna, "leach" na iya nufin wani abu da aka cire daga wani abu ta hanyar leaching.

Sentence Examples

  1. Leach was in front of him, appearing from nowhere.
  2. Leach stood in front of him, staring with those same unblinking eyes, his face as blank as ever.
  3. The pale man named Leach let go of the ropes, and the Barghest swarmed in with hungry, reverberating roars.
  4. I give Leach there the word and they will tear you to pieces.
  5. Sam was struggling with Tabby near the Lamborghini, and Leach was pulling an unconscious Mark towards the door.
  6. Leach reached out and casually backhanded him across the face.
  7. Sam surged to all fours, ready to leap at Leach and rip him open.
  8. Leach slung some ripe-looking clothes on the floor in front of them and then followed his Master.
  9. They were sat together in a car, and Sam could smell a greasy, fishy tang coming off Leach.
  10. The door swung open with a groan, and Cú Roí stepped in with Leach lurking behind him.