English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lalalaci" shine wanda ba ya son yin aiki ko amfani da kuzari; rashin aiki ko kasala cikin hali ko hali; rashin son yin aiki ko ƙoƙari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ke nuna rashin ƙoƙari ko aiki, kamar malalacin rana ko raƙuman kogi. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da shi don bayyana wani abu da ba shi da tsauri ko madaidaici, kamar lallausan hanya don warware matsala.

Sentence Examples

  1. Flint wondered if this would be the last lazy, sunlit afternoon they would enjoy, or if he and CJ could stop the potential slaughter just minutes away.
  2. Before an elegant stone fireplace was a cozy seating area that begged for lazy afternoons reading and drinking tea.
  3. Richard had forced his lazy mind to consider the outcome.
  4. As for the latter, one was sleeping soundly and the other lying awake occupied with his desultory thoughts, when daylight came to them bringing with it the desire to rise for the lazy down was never a delight to Don Quixote, victor or vanquished.
  5. O shining light, O beacon, polestar, path and guide of all Who, scorning slumber and the lazy down, Adopt the toilsome life of bloodstained arms!
  6. He awoke, roused himself up, shook himself and stretched his lazy limbs, and seeing the havoc the pigs had made with his stores he cursed the drove, and more besides.
  7. With a lazy smile, she stretched and climbed out of bed.
  8. His roommates were beyond lazy when it came to cleaning up after themselves.
  9. Lazy days on the beach or by the pool, followed by dining and dancing until they returned to their resort for nightcaps and bed.
  10. A shiny newly-Academized probationary officer would have answered in half that and even a lazy blob like Wenders would have snatched it up by the thirtieth ring.