English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "laurel" tana nufin furen fure ko garland na ganyen laurel, wanda yawanci ana sawa a kai a matsayin alamar nasara ko daraja. Hakanan ana iya amfani da kalmar a alamance don bayyana daraja, banbance-banbance, ko nasarorin da aka samu ta hanyar ƙwazo ko fasaha, ko kuma a matsayin nuni ga wanda ya huta a kan abubuwan da suka yi a baya.


  1. award
  2. accolade
  3. honor
  4. honour

Sentence Examples

  1. But to say that he possesses it at all is to say that he needs only zeal, industry, and a reverence for the trust reposed in him, to achieve the proudest triumphs and the greenest laurels.
  2. The bustle of the café, the familiarity, the oasis of the plaza with its exotic laurels and eucalypts, there is nowhere on the island to match it.
  3. He longed for rest and quiet he sank upon the bed of laurels which had been heaped up for him for so many days past it might almost have been said that he seemed bowed beneath the weight of the new debts which he had incurred for the purpose of giving the greatest possible honor to this fete.
  4. The fair woman who is a woman of honour, and whose husband is poor, deserves to be crowned with the laurels and crowns of victory and triumph.
  5. But let us take care that we do not rest on our laurels.
  6. They were insignificant still, in a district where laurels were infrequent, they might shine.