English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "maroƙi" suna ne da ke nufin saurayi, yawanci wanda bai cika ba ko kuma bai kai girma ba. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da kalmar gabaɗaya don komawa ga namiji na kowane zamani, musamman wanda ake ganin yana da kuzari, mai kishi, ko mai ruhi. Ana iya amfani da kalmar "yar" a cikin mahallin na yau da kullun da na yau da kullun, kuma galibi ana danganta shi da amfani da Ingilishi na Burtaniya.


  1. chap
  2. fella
  3. feller
  4. fellow
  5. blighter
  6. bloke
  7. gent
  8. cuss

Sentence Examples

  1. He had in his house a housekeeper past forty, a niece under twenty, and a lad for the field and market-place, who used to saddle the hack as well as handle the bill-hook.
  2. The barber told him he could manage it properly without any instruction, and as he did not care to dress himself up until they were near where Don Quixote was, he folded up the garments, and the curate adjusted his beard, and they set out under the guidance of Sancho Panza, who went along telling them of the encounter with the madman they met in the Sierra, saying nothing, however, about the finding of the valise and its contents for with all his simplicity the lad was a trifle covetous.
  3. Clad in his plain brown robes, the scribe peered beneath the rag held to the face of a lad sitting on the table.
  4. What beauty, then, or what proportion of the parts to the whole, or of the whole to the parts, can there be in a book or fable where a lad of sixteen cuts down a giant as tall as a tower and makes two halves of him as if he was an almond cake?
  5. With a show of bravura, a scruffy young lad with more courage than wisdom vaulted back onto the stand and seated himself in the front row.
  6. Presently it came to be known that he had changed his dress with no other object than to wander about these wastes after that shepherdess Marcela our lad mentioned a while ago, with whom the deceased Chrysostom had fallen in love.
  7. A typical lad, I was more interested in frog ponds nevertheless, my father trapped me in his library every afternoon.
  8. Allan took much pride in the captivating, precocious lad.
  9. He was now, in February, no worse than he had been then and the lad had recovered.
  10. Thus warned and menaced, the castellan forthwith brought out a book in which he used to enter the straw and barley he served out to the carriers, and, with a lad carrying a candle-end, and the two damsels already mentioned, he returned to where Don Quixote stood, and bade him kneel down.

TV Series Examples



l do hope the poor lad