English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "lacerated" ita ce yayyagewa ko yanke wani abu mai zurfi, kamar fata, nama, ko masana'anta, sau da yawa yana haifar da rauni ko lalacewa. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin raunata ko lalata wani abu ta hanyar tsaga ko yanke shi.


  1. lacerate

Sentence Examples

  1. The shot had frightfully lacerated her throat, leaving two gaping wounds from which, as well as the mouth, the blood was pouring in floods.
  2. The barbs snagged our clothes and lacerated our skin.
  3. Blood still dripped from her lacerated scalp, but at a slower pace.
  4. For the briefest of instants he had forgotten, and he felt lacerated when he remembered.
  5. As the Inquisition rarely allowed its victims to be seen with their limbs distorted and their flesh lacerated by torture, so madness is always concealed in its cell, from whence, should it depart, it is conveyed to some gloomy hospital, where the doctor has no thought for man or mind in the mutilated being the jailer delivers to him.
  6. Nothing could be more terrible indeed than the appearance of the young prince at the moment Fouquet had surprised him his clothes were in tatters his shirt, open and torn to rags, was stained with sweat and with the blood which streamed from his lacerated breast and arms.
  7. I scrubbed my lacerated knuckles with soap, biting back more screams.
  8. Smelled the blood dripping from my lacerated knuckles.
  9. He was still wearing his gallowglass getup, and the chain mail was pretty uncomfortable against my tender, semi-burnt and lacerated flesh.