English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "aiki" (wanda kuma aka rubuta da "aiki") shine kamar haka: (adjective) An yi shi da matuƙar ƙoƙari da wahala. ; yana buƙatar himma ko juriya da yawa. . rashin yanayi ko iya magana. Aiki mai wuya ko wuyar gaske. Misalin jimloli: Ta yi yunƙurin ɗaga akwatin mai nauyi. na numfashi. amma a ƙarshe ya warware shi.


  1. labored
  2. heavy

Sentence Examples

  1. With laboured breaths, she opened her eyes to look at him.
  2. The time and distance seemed endless, and my knees trembled and my breath came laboured as I toiled up the endless steps to the abbey.
  3. He looks drawn, thinner, and his upright gait is laboured.
  4. Sitting on the bed, she brushed her fingers against the smooth, silky material and let out a laboured sigh.
  5. His progress was laboured, but he showed no sign of discomfort or pain as he approached.
  6. He watched as she flirted conspicuously with their host, touching his arm and laughing at his laboured attempts at humour.
  7. Catherine sat on the edge of the bed in the rapidly chilling room and watched Jack as he laboured with flint and steel.