English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar “kneecap” suna ce kuma tana nufin ƙaramin ƙashi mai zagaye da ke samar da ɓangaren gaba na haɗin gwiwa. An kuma san shi da patella. Ƙwallon ƙafa yana aiki azaman garkuwa mai kariya ga haɗin gwiwa gwiwa kuma yana taimakawa wajen sauƙaƙe motsi na kafa. Ya kasance a gaban ƙananan ƙarshen femur (kashin cinya) kuma ya zama wani ɓangare na haɗin gwiwa na patellofemoral.

Sentence Examples

  1. Twisting to one side, I used my left foot and, with a sure aim, kicked the man hard just above the kneecap.
  2. Her leg was three-quarters straight when her kneecap popped over and her leg straightened.
  3. I was well up on prosthetic complications, especially kneecap replacements, and I had never heard of anything remotely like that.
  4. The varulf got his shield down an instant before Tyr would have claimed his kneecap.
  5. Fino had tried to find a less precarious position and a bouncing stone had hit her on the leg, smashing her kneecap.
  6. She held a breath and ran fingertips lightly around her kneecap, afraid to try to straighten it again.
  7. Burning, unbearable pain as if my kneecap were red hot.
  8. There was a big knot an inch below the kneecap which was badly bruised.