English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "klutz" mutum ne mai ƙulle-ƙulle, mai banƙyama, ko wawa mai saurin haddasa haɗari ko ɓarna.

Sentence Examples

  1. Klutz dodged ahead, bumping into the doorframe on the way.
  2. Seven birds, along with Jimmy and Klutz the mutt, rode in the bed.
  3. Klutz stood up and pointed with his nose, his ears cocked, then barked once.
  4. She explored the hills behind the land as best she could, taking short painful trips upward with Klutz romping along, eventually to find a hollow with a cave-like overhang that might hide her if she needed to run.
  5. Owen gave an inarticulate cry from inside, and Klutz wuffed.
  6. Klutz ran over to them, capering and barking with delight to have visitors.