English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "sarki" ita ce:(suna)Mai mulki na wata ƙasa ko yanki, yawanci wanda ya gaji matsayi kuma sau da yawa yana ajiye shi har tsawon rayuwa. Mafi girman darasi, mai iya motsawa ta kowace hanya a kan kowane adadin murabba'ai marasa rinjaye. in their sphere or group. Katin wasa mai ɗauke da hoton sarki. (fi'ili)(archaic) Don yin sarauta a matsayin sarki. .

Sentence Examples

  1. The king entertained the rich and famous there, so I hear.
  2. King or no king, queen or no queen, not much had changed for the residents.
  3. They told me how bad things were becoming for our House, how restrictive the new laws the king and queen wanted to pass were.
  4. Manrique was commissioned to build it by a King Hussein of Jordan who gifted it to King Carlos of Spain.
  5. He reaches the landslide Paula mentioned, and is pondering if he dares edge across it when the wind gusts and a king wave pounds the rocks below him, covering him in spray.
  6. I had driven to Birmingham for a journalism conference and took some side trips to compile into a feature for the Martin Luther King Jr.
  7. It was a few months ago, and the local newspapers were filled with coverage of La Mareta, the first articles detailing how generous King Felipe VI was in gifting the former royal residence to the island, journalists singing the praises of all the dignitaries concerned.
  8. When an extra ticket becomes available to see the dress rehearsal of King Lear, Kellan tags along with Nana D and her buddies.

TV Series Examples



the rightful King of the Andals



She says the king is in danger.



The king shits and the Hand wipes.



Tell him the king is close.



The king rides for Winterfell...



The king rode for a month