English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin suna, “key” na iya samun ‘yan ma’anoni daban-daban:Ƙaramin guntun ƙarfe mai siffa tare da yankan yanka don dacewa da sassan wani makulli, wanda aka saka a cikin kulle kuma kunna don buɗewa ko rufe shi. Maɓalli ko lever akan na'ura, galibi ana yiwa alama da alama, kalma, ko harafi, waɗanda ake amfani da su don sarrafa na'urar. li>Wani abu mai mahimmanci ko mahimmanci, ko wanda ke ba da dama ga ko bayyana wani abu dabam. Don shigar da ko zaɓi bayani ta amfani da madannai ko wata na'urar shigarwa. Don samar da wani yanki na kiɗa tare da sa hannun maɓalli, wanda ke nuna bayanan da ya kamata a kunna tare da kaifi ko filaye. > Don gano ko bayyana wani abu ta hanyar maɓalli.

Sentence Examples

  1. It was like a code for which he had no key, and perhaps that had been the point.
  2. As I ran, I tapped the touch screen of the communicator and put in the key Jeth had given me.
  3. TB fiddles with the old-fashioned key and then huffs in frustration.
  4. The front door was key card operated, not to mention guarded, but at the back, there was always a changeover between patrols.
  5. Silently, James heads to his desk and removes a key from the back of a drawer and hands it to Lori.
  6. My key still hanging lifeless in my hand, I gaze up to find my goofy ex-husband staring down, a stupid grin playing his face.
  7. Winnie, bless her heart, nabs my hotel key and we head upstairs in a tiny, slow elevator to the fourth floor.
  8. But once the key turned, we were immediately engulfed into the black abyss.
  9. I was thinking of Hawaii but I have a couple of friends throwing a party this weekend in Key West.
  10. Opportunity was key, and I had no intention of squandering my chance.