English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "keen" tana iya samun ma'anoni da dama dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita. Anan ga wasu ma'anar ƙamus na gama gari: Kaifi ko shiga cikin sauti ko sautin: Misali, "ƙarashin busar iska." m mind. : Misali, "mai idanu don daki-daki." Don yin sautin kuka mai ƙarfi, kamar cikin baƙin ciki ko baƙin ciki: Misali, “matan sun yi marmarin jikin jarumin da ya mutu.”

Sentence Examples

  1. Keen to answer the phone before it wakes her, I hurry out of bed.
  2. Risking drawing attention, I step forward, keen to study the work.
  3. I walk to my car keen to retrieve my sunglasses thinking I need the same clarity.
  4. He started staying out even more, and later I learned, in a most uncomfortable way, that he was sharing more than his keen mind with a bevy of infatuated women.
  5. All too thrilling Ash, with his giant ego, thrived on pushing the boundaries and seemed keen on physical contact.
  6. After a moment Kate lifted her skirts and returned to her mistress, keen to learn of any news Richard had brought.
  7. Keen to escape the rain he walks over and ventures inside.
  8. Another headline concerns the demolition of the illegal hotels in Playa Blanca, a story Bill is following with keen interest after considering the volumes of concrete involved.
  9. Keen for a distraction, I scan the other articles on the front page.
  10. There were others loyal to Richard, if not particularly keen on Jack.