English to hausa meaning of

Ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “adalci” ita ce kamar haka:Noun:Ingantacciyar adalci; adalci; rashin son kai: adalcin yanke hukunci. adalci: damuwa ga adalci, zaman lafiya, da mutuntawa ga mutane. wanda aka zalunta. kafa ko kiyaye tsarin shari’a da kyawawan dabi’u: rugujewar adalci a cikin al’umma.Maganganun falsafa ko tauhidi na daidaito da adalci, sau da yawa hade da ka’idar allahntaka ko ta dabi’a: neman adalci ta hanyar ka’idojin da’a. /li> Yin adalci da adalci ga daidaikun mutane ko kungiyoyi, ba tare da nuna son kai ko wariya ba: adalcin zamantakewa ga dukkan ’yan kasa. hukunce-hukuncen shari’a: Babban Mai Shari’a na Kotun Koli.Verb (Archaic):Don yin adalci ga, yin aiki ko bi da shi cikin adalci ko kuma adalci; don ba da lada ko karramawa ga: yin adalci ga nasarorin da mutum ya samu. /li>Lura: Ma'anar "adalci" na iya bambanta kadan dangane da takamaiman ƙamus ko mahallin da ake amfani da shi.

Sentence Examples

  1. But beyond Hong Kong, a simple warrant would be of no avail an extradition warrant would be necessary, and that would result in delays and obstacles, of which the rascal would take advantage to elude justice.
  2. Together we were going to get justice for my family.
  3. She wanted justice, not just for the royal family, but also for her mother, for Toran Stowley, and for everyone else who had placed themselves in peril to stand up for what was right.
  4. He too had devoted his life to upholding justice and pursuing the truth, despite the little good it had done him.
  5. He stood some paces from Alan, prepared, sober and resolved to carry out this justice.
  6. A feast of meat and mead was set before us, and I must admit I did justice to everything within reach.
  7. They ordered two bottles of port, to which the Frenchman did ample justice, whilst Fix observed him with close attention.
  8. Or maybe because he had an over-inflated sense of justice.
  9. We are members of the crowd, ready to mete out justice, as we interpret it, to those we accuse.
  10. A lot of people are being attacked but there are few brigands being brought to justice.

TV Series Examples



but perhaps l can give you justice



l charge you to bring the king's justice