English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "juri" ƙungiya ce ta mutane, yawanci goma sha biyu, waɗanda aka rantse don yanke hukunci a cikin shari'a bisa ga shaidar da aka gabatar musu a gaban kotu. An zabo mambobin alkalan ne daga cikin al’umma kuma su ke da alhakin tantance laifi ko rashin laifi na wanda ake tuhuma.

Sentence Examples

  1. After the jury had pronounced Trish guilty of manslaughter, the judge had handed down a sentence of ten years.
  2. I have adopted a measured and reasonable approach in certain passages of exposition, mindful that I am not judge and jury.
  3. No doubt Sister was back home from the Grand Jury proceeding.
  4. The first affirmed, the justest method would be to lay a certain tax upon vices and folly, and the sum fixed upon every man to be rated after the fairest manner by a jury of his neighbors.
  5. When she looked up, he saw why reporters at the Grand Jury hearing expressed their amazement at her composure even while accusations flew her way.
  6. Her arguments might have convinced even the best jury in the world to put me behind bars.
  7. The Indictment The judges took their places in the midst of the most profound silence the jury took their seats M.
  8. The judges themselves appeared to be stupefied, and the jury manifested tokens of disgust for a cynicism so unexpected in a man of fashion.
  9. It had Cam feeling like his friend was about to give a summation, hoping to convince a jury.
  10. The room is full every seat in the gallery is filled, there are a dozen people in the jury box, a judge up on his bench, and a whole table full of lawyers in expensive suits on one side of the courtroom.