English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Jungle" tana nufin dazuzzukan dazuzzukan wurare masu yawan gaske wanda akasari ke siffanta da ciyayi mai cike da tsiro da yalwar namun daji. Hakanan za'a iya amfani da shi gabaɗaya don komawa ga kowane yanki mai girma, mai girma, ko daji ne, birni, ko ma gungun mutane ko abubuwa. Bugu da ƙari, ana iya amfani da "jungle" don kwatanta yanayi mai tsauri ko hargitsi, kamar yadda yake a cikin jumlar "Jungle Jungle."

Sentence Examples

  1. They approached a well-worn swing set and rusted-out jungle gym.
  2. Winter was replaced by a tropical jungle around our bench, at least.
  3. We pushed our way through what looked like a dense jungle of vines.
  4. It was all about the pileated woodpecker trumpeting its jungle call or the tiny golden-crowned kinglet flitting from branch to branch.
  5. Together they gathered the tea things and then headed out into his darkened jungle of a garden.
  6. They all turned and watched as they saw Dillon and five younger grade kids jumping all over the Jungle Gym, pretending to dodge blows and battle some unseen foes.
  7. They were in the ice jungle of Eltika, where the undergrowth was littered with countless shards of ice and the trees emitted vapour cold enough to cause frostbite.
  8. Barely discernible, the forest appeared to evolve into a jungle further north, but it was too far away to see properly.
  9. As they climbed onto the Jungle Gym it transformed in their minds into a huge wooden ship that swayed back and forth, being tossed to and fro by the pounding of the swells of the ocean.
  10. He lobbed over to me, moving much the same way a monkey scrambles across the jungle floor.