English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "jin daɗi" ita ce: ji, bayyanawa, ko haifar da farin ciki da jin daɗi. Ana iya amfani da shi don kwatanta yanayin tunani, kwarewa, ko wani lamari da ke nuna farin ciki, jin daɗi, ko jin daɗi. Ma'anar ma'anar farin ciki sun haɗa da murna, farin ciki, farin ciki, da farin ciki.

Sentence Examples

  1. For one joyous second, I imagined it was Jake blocking my sun and my heart leapt.
  2. The sun made its glorious descent below the horizon, bathing the joyous festival in magnificent twilight.
  3. I chose it, because of how it talks about waiting for some joyous event.
  4. A gallant knight shows to advantage bringing his lance to bear adroitly upon a fierce bull under the eyes of his sovereign, in the midst of a spacious plaza a knight shows to advantage arrayed in glittering armour, pacing the lists before the ladies in some joyous tournament, and all those knights show to advantage that entertain, divert, and, if we may say so, honour the courts of their princes by warlike exercises, or what resemble them but to greater advantage than all these does a knight-errant show when he traverses deserts, solitudes, cross-roads, forests, and mountains, in quest of perilous adventures, bent on bringing them to a happy and successful issue, all to win a glorious and lasting renown.
  5. I threw a gloved fist into the air and gave out a joyous yell!
  6. Mother and I, however, are joyous and at ease with each other so much so, Father started growling at our incessant humming.
  7. Distance muted the joyous cries of hundreds of thousands of voices that carried from the courtyard.
  8. To my joyous surprise, my eyes saw a fantastic aerial battle raging in the distance!
  9. Hopefully, you will become more conscious of your word choices and use them to shape a beautiful, peaceful, and joyous world.
  10. Recognizing your response to Truth and Falsehood will prove invaluable when determining whether or not a thought is helpful or harmful to you, making your path towards living a harmonious and joyous life all the easier.