English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jostle" ita ce turawa, yin karo, ko murkushe wani ko wani abu a cikin taron jama'a ko keɓaɓɓen wuri. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin gasa don neman sarari ko hankali a cikin yanayi mai cike da cunkoso ko cunkoson jama'a.

Sentence Examples

  1. Many questions jostle for attention, although she thought she had a single one.
  2. The captain cradled his maiden, taking great care not to jostle the dying woman.
  3. Feeling it bump and jostle up against the shore, he heaved himself up, half fell out and staggered across the sand to the welcoming shade of palm trees.
  4. Groth used his long, serrated spear to jostle its tip into the bear god, wounding Azaz on his right side.