English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "haɗuwa" shine aikin haɗawa ko haɗa abubuwa biyu ko fiye tare don samar da mahalli guda ɗaya. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga aikin zama ɗan ƙungiya ko ƙungiya, ko tsarin haɗa mutane ko abubuwa tare da manufa ko manufa guda ɗaya. Bugu da ƙari, "haɗuwa" na iya komawa ga aikin walda, sayar da kaya, ko in ba haka ba haɗe guda biyu ko fiye na abu tare.


  1. connection
  2. connexion

Sentence Examples

  1. I stopped to help Ryder to his feet, but when my gaze found his, the look of horror on his face almost had me joining him.
  2. Veridian had mentioned the name Pretz when he was trying to talk Kayla into joining earlier.
  3. Formerly one was obliged to travel in India by the old cumbrous methods of going on foot or on horseback, in palanquins or unwieldy coaches now fast steamboats ply on the Indus and the Ganges, and a great railway, with branch lines joining the main line at many points on its route, traverses the peninsula from Bombay to Calcutta in three days.
  4. Jason and I would remain all week, with everyone else joining us on the weekend.
  5. We made a couple trips to the top of the stairs and tossed the last of the pillows over the banister before joining everyone on the main floor.
  6. Jack certainly had the voice for the part, strong and melodious, and the listeners leant him silence, joining in only for the chorus.
  7. html, and you will receive Unleashed, a Rouen Chronicles origin novel, as a thank you gift for joining me.
  8. On the top floor, a place restricted even to Alliance employees, these were worlds torn apart by war, worlds barred from ever joining the Alliance.
  9. Angry, Estienne glared back at Jack who maddened him even further by joining the laughing crowd.
  10. I could tell joining the pack was important to you.

TV Series Examples



ls Lord Renly joining us?