English to hausa meaning of

A matsayin fi’ili, ma’anar ƙamus na kalmar “jog” ita ce a yi gudu a tsayuwa kuma a hankali, yawanci a matsayin motsa jiki. Hakanan yana iya nufin yin ƙwanƙwasa ko turawa kaɗan, kamar don tunatarwa ko ƙarfafa wani ya yi wani abu. nufa. A cikin kwamfuta, "jog" kuma na iya komawa ga hanyar motsa siginan kwamfuta ko mai nuni akan allo a cikin ƙananan ƙara.

Sentence Examples

  1. Dean slowed to a jog the dead pursued from all sides.
  2. I think I drowse myself, for all of sudden I feel guilt, as though I have done something I find myself bolt up, with the reins in my hand, and the good horses go along jog, jog, just as ever.
  3. She quickly realized it was a person and broke into a jog.
  4. My shoes slid in the mud as I tried to accelerate, so I had to stay at a jog to keep from crashing into the grave markers.
  5. The officer was reduced to a snail jog and almost tripped as he equipped his taser from his leg, it was black and yellow and loaded.
  6. Hawke walked so quickly I had to jog to keep up as he moved past several identical doors until stopping with purpose in front of one no more remarkable than the rest.
  7. His determined stride turned into a jog, and to his relief, he reached the signpost marking the beginning of the public footpath.
  8. Lance nodded and they took off at a slow jog, weaving between stalled cars and husks of burned-out trucks.
  9. His paced increased, and I practically had to jog to keep up.