English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Jesuit" na iya samun ma'anoni daban-daban dangane da mahallin. Ga ‘yan ma’anar da za a iya samu: Wani memba ne na Society of Jesus, tsarin addinin Roman Katolika wanda St. Ignatius Loyola ya kafa a ƙarni na 16. Mutum mai dabara, mayaudari, ko makirci, sau da yawa a fagen siyasa ko addini. Wannan amfani da kalmar ya dogara ne akan ra'ayoyin tarihi da kuma son zuciya ga Jesuit, waɗanda galibi ana ganin su a matsayin maguɗi da ɓoyewa. a ilimi ko adalcin zamantakewa. Wannan amfani yana da inganci kuma yana nuna mahimmancin Jesuits akan ƙwaƙƙwaran hankali, haɗin kai, da hidima ga wasu. da manufar mai magana. Yana iya komawa ga takamaiman tsari na addini, ra'ayi ko son zuciya, ko tsarin dabi'u da ayyuka masu alaƙa da ilimin Jesuit da fafutuka.

Sentence Examples

  1. The other policeman, horrified and distracted by the hellish noises from the cave and concerned for the Jesuit, hurries over, stealthily followed by you.
  2. The elderly Jesuit, bespectacled and white-haired, seemed pleased to have company.
  3. Doug had commandeered the Jesuit Guest House, a Craftsman bungalow next door to the Residence, so that the group could dine with some privacy.
  4. Nobili Hall had once been the Jesuit Residence, before it became too big for their dwindling numbers.
  5. The presence of a Jesuit caused the prelate some considerable perplexity.
  6. Go to the Jesuit Residence and get someone to stitch your face.
  7. The cook at the Jesuit Residence knew how to put a meal together.
  8. The couch, the table, and cabinets were a simple Jesuit style, clean and functional.