English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "ba tare da sokewa ba" ita ce "ta hanyar da ba za a iya canzawa, ko jujjuya, ko sakewa ba". Yana nuna cewa wani abu na ƙarshe ne kuma ba za a iya canzawa ko soke shi a kowane yanayi ba. Ana amfani da kalmar sau da yawa don bayyana wani yanayi ko yanke shawara wanda yake dindindin kuma ba zai iya jurewa ba.

Sentence Examples

  1. The idea of irrevocably bonding to another person gave her chills.
  2. But a single delay would suffice to fatally break the chain of communication should Phileas Fogg once miss, even by an hour a steamer, he would have to wait for the next, and that would irrevocably render his attempt vain.
  3. It had been when Alex had answered her cell phone that afternoon, when she had reached out to him, irrevocably altering his entire universe.
  4. I can irrevocably say, only a fool should ever attempt ice shaping.
  5. Any other person would, perhaps, have been overcome by such an intoxicating draught of praise but he feared to make for himself a mortal enemy of the police minister, although he saw that Dandré was irrevocably lost.
  6. It is then understood that tomorrow you will be irrevocably promised to M.
  7. After she helped restore control of the towers to those who would look after the best interests of its residents, Kayla had found herself irrevocably bonded to Alec, the new co-leader of the High Council.
  8. This conclusion was irrevocably reached when we were halfway up the stairway.
  9. Impossibly, irrevocably, hope flickered inside of him.
  10. When their parents are sufficiently rich to pay a ransom, a messenger is sent to negotiate the prisoner is hostage for the security of the messenger should the ransom be refused, the prisoner is irrevocably lost.