English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "Iroquois" tana nufin ƙungiyar 'yan asalin Amirkawa da suka rayu a tarihi a arewa maso gabashin Amirka ta Arewa, musamman a jihar New York da kewaye. Kalmar "Iroquois" ta fito ne daga fassarar Faransanci na kalmar Algonquin ma'ana "adders na gaske" ko "macizai na gaske." Mutanen Iroquois suna kiran kansu Haudenosaunee, wanda ke nufin "mutanen dogon gida" a yarensu.


  1. iroquoian
  2. iroquoian language

Sentence Examples

  1. The Mengwe, the Maquas, the Mingoes, and the Iroquois, though not all strictly the same, are identified frequently by the speakers, being politically confederated and opposed to those just named.
  2. These Iroquois are cunning, but they outwitted themselves when they placed their firearms out of reach and had Uncas or his father been gifted with only their common Indian patience, we should have come in upon the knaves with three bullets instead of one, and that would have made a finish of the whole pack yon loping varlet, as well as his commerades.
  3. Are their souls to enter the land of the just like hungry Iroquois or unmanly Delawares, or shall they meet their friends with arms in their hands and robes on their backs?
  4. Are there not crimes for which the impalement of the Turks, the augers of the Persians, the stake and the brand of the Iroquois Indians, are inadequate tortures, and which are unpunished by society?
  5. The French, from their first intercourse with them, called them Iroquois.
  6. But everything is raw, for the Iroquois are thorough savages.