English to hausa meaning of

Mai saka hannun jari shine mutum ko kungiyar da ke sanya kudi a cikin wani abu tare da tsammanin samun riba ko samun riba. Wannan yawanci ya haɗa da siyan hannun jari, shaidu, dukiya, ko wasu kadarori tare da bege cewa ƙimar jarin zai ƙaru akan lokaci, wanda zai haifar da riba ta kuɗi ga mai saka jari. Mai saka hannun jari na iya ba da kuɗi ga kamfani na farawa ko kasuwanci don musanya rabon mallakar ko ribar nan gaba. Babban burin mai saka hannun jari shine ya samar da riba kan jarin da ya zuba.

Sentence Examples

  1. When financing a business, the investor has to know how all parts of the business will work.
  2. Although there was some luck involved with our initial identification of Dave as a possible investor, I told Brian that I had already spent considerable time with Dave to introduce him to the project.
  3. He had already been a successful lawyer and investor in Swaziland.
  4. While any potential investor in the United States would have quickly dismissed this proposal, TechnoServe was trying to encourage entrepreneurship in a developing country.
  5. Very quickly, the investor said that he was having problems collecting amounts due him from government projects, and he could not deliver cash in the amounts and on the agreed to schedule.
  6. We met with an investor, Dave, who was potentially interested in putting money into MPE Timbers.
  7. Once we got a lead investor, I thought the rest would be possible, but certainly not easy.
  8. After much searching, they were introduced to a local investor who said that money would be no problem and agreed to give them what they needed.
  9. Although we had found Dave, a possible new equity investor for MPE, Brian wanted to pursue the alternative of getting funding only from SIDC.
  10. A similarly situated private investor would demand ownership of a large percentage of the business in the hopes that it would be successful and generate large returns.