English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "bincike" ita ce gudanar da bincike na tsari ko na tsafta ko bincike kan wani yanayi, lamari, ko abin da ya faru domin gano ko fallasa gaskiya, cikakkun bayanai, ko gaskiyarsa. Wannan na iya haɗawa da tattara bayanai, nazarin shaida, yin hira da shedu ko masana, da gudanar da bincike don gano musabbabi, abubuwan da suka sa, ko kuma abubuwan da ke tattare da yanayin da ake bincike. Manufar bincike ita ce a kai ga fahimtar abin da ya faru, dalilin da ya sa ya faru, da yadda za a iya hana shi ko magance shi nan gaba.


  1. enquire
  2. inquire

Sentence Examples

  1. Deciding to investigate, I smelled the air until I was next to the stall door where the smell was the strongest.
  2. Screams from another room boosted my adrenaline another notch, and I jumped to my feet and ran to investigate.
  3. It was to the benefit of the House as a whole to investigate whether the Elders, Moiria, and her father were deceiving everyone.
  4. The old wood creaked loudly despite her careful tread, but the noise brought no one to investigate.
  5. The sheriff plans to investigate those angles and put an end to this entire affair.
  6. But when one of them dies of an apparent heart attack in the middle of second act, Nana D asks Kellan to investigate.
  7. As Ally began talking about a shoe store she wanted to investigate along the way, a sudden wave of nausea swept over me and a sharp pain exploded inside my head.
  8. When someone close to Cianne dies and Kila is called out to investigate the scene, her world and his collide once more.
  9. No one came to investigate the sound, and Vivie gestured them forward.
  10. She pushed the bag toward him, gesturing, and he understood that she wanted him to continue packing while she went to investigate.