English to hausa meaning of

Kalmar "marasa inganci" tana da ma'anoni da dama, dangane da mahallin: ba tare da tilasta doka ko tasiri ba; ba dauri ba Misali: An ayyana kwangilar ba ta da inganci saboda an rattaba hannu a kan tursasa ta. a hankali mara kyau ko kuskure Misali: Hujjar ba ta da inganci domin ta dogara ne da wuraren karya. Misali: Ta kasance marar aiki na tsawon watanni da yawa bayan tiyatar da aka yi mata. Misali: alkali ya bata shaidar saboda an same ta ba bisa ka'ida ba. Ana iya amfani da shi don kwatanta abubuwa da yawa, daga kwangila da muhawara zuwa yanayin likita da shaida.


  1. incapacitate
  2. disable
  3. handicap

Sentence Examples

  1. The ever creeping thickness clouded his lungs and his eyes while Frigg and Fulla fretted over him like the invalid he was fast becoming.
  2. As to the servant, he had, as we have said, been with his master for five-and-twenty years, therefore he knew all his habits, and it was seldom that Noirtier found it necessary to ask for anything, so prompt was he in administering to all the necessities of the invalid.
  3. How severely Cervantes was wounded may be inferred from the fact, that with youth, a vigorous frame, and as cheerful and buoyant a temperament as ever invalid had, he was seven months in hospital at Messina before he was discharged.
  4. They had formed a circle round the invalid the second notary was sitting at a table, prepared for writing, and his colleague was standing before the testator in the act of interrogating him on the subject to which we have alluded.
  5. The minutes lingered, and the delay had seemed an hour to the adventurer in empiricism, when the Huron laid aside his pipe and drew his robe across his breast, as if about to lead the way to the lodge of the invalid.
  6. She was in search of employment for him, and she excused her errand by mentioning that he was ill, that her daughter was a confirmed invalid, and that their circumstances were such as compelled her taking it upon herself.
  7. He first advanced towards the baroness, who was chatting with Madame de Villefort, who had come alone, Valentine being still an invalid and without turning aside, so clear was the road left for him, he passed from the baroness to Eugénie, whom he complimented in such rapid and measured terms, that the proud artist was quite struck.
  8. You will say that I am quite an invalid, and go no where, and therefore must decline their obliging invitation beginning with my compliments, of course.
  9. Morrel then cast on the invalid an interrogative look as to the new favor which he designed to bestow on him.
  10. To this dumb language, which was so unintelligible to others, she answered by throwing her whole soul into the expression of her countenance, and in this manner were the conversations sustained between the blooming girl and the helpless invalid, whose body could scarcely be called a living one, but who, nevertheless, possessed a fund of knowledge and penetration, united with a will as powerful as ever although clogged by a body rendered utterly incapable of obeying its impulses.