English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "gabatarwa" ita ce: aikin gabatar da wani abu ko wani. li> bayani na farko ko jagora, kamar zuwa littafi ko hanya na nazari.ainihin buɗewa ko farawa, kamar na magana ko rubutaccen aiki. Gaba xaya, “gabatarwa” na nufin gabatar da wani abu ko yin wani abu ko wani da wasu suka san shi, yawanci ta hanyar tsari ko tsari. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga buɗewa ko farkon wani abu, kamar magana ko rubutaccen aiki, ko bayani na farko ko jagora ga wani batu ko batu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Her eyes were the first introduction, a vivid indigo.
  2. He just stopped and looked at her, unable to articulate any kind of introduction.
  3. What began as a tentative introduction to the game became, thanks to a bottle of single malt whisky, rowdy and intense.
  4. It would be a charming introduction for you, who have lived so secluded a life and I could immediately secure you some of the best society in the place.
  5. Mkhululi and I had heard that Dalcrue, one of the larger dairy farms in Swaziland, had just advertised the introduction of their branded products to the market.
  6. He was immediately qualifying himself to form an opinion, by giving her very proper attention, after the introduction had passed.
  7. Miss Woodhouse was so great a personage in Highbury, that the prospect of the introduction had given as much panic as pleasure but the humble, grateful little girl went off with highly gratified feelings, delighted with the affability with which Miss Woodhouse had treated her all the evening, and actually shaken hands with her at last!
  8. That moment in my life was my introduction to my fear of heights.
  9. The introduction to the book described him as a strong, polite, quiet man who spent countless hours pouring over books in search of some missing detail that he believed would unlock the whole mystery of what he was researching.
  10. Having her put on a show just for him while he played for her was the perfect introduction, too.