English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai wuya" abu ne mai wuyar sarrafawa, sarrafawa, ko warwarewa; m; ba a sauƙin tasiri ko jagora ba. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga mutumin da ke da wahalar sarrafawa ko mu'amala da shi. A yanayin kiwon lafiya, yana iya nufin wata cuta ko yanayin da ke da wuyar magani ko magani.

Sentence Examples

  1. After great trouble, occasioned by the intractable ferocity of his captive during the home voyage, he at length succeeded in lodging it safely at his own residence in Paris, where, not to attract toward himself the unpleasant curiosity of his neighbors, he kept it carefully secluded, until such time as it should recover from a wound in the foot, received from a splinter on board ship.