English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, ma’anar kalmar “interwoven” ita ce:siffa:Ana haɗe ko gauraye wuri ɗaya ta hanyar saƙa ko haɗawa. Haɗin haɗin gwiwa ko haɗin kai ta hanyar hadaddun ko maɗaukakiyar hanya. An haɗa da abubuwa da yawa ko abubuwan da aka haɗa su kusa ko haɗa su.fi'ili: Ƙa'idar da ta gabata na "interweave," ma'anar saƙa ko haɗawa tare. ol>


  1. interlacing
  2. interlinking
  3. interlocking

Sentence Examples

  1. Their outward garments were adorned with the figures of suns, moons, and stars, interwoven with those of fiddles, flutes, harps, trumpets, guitars, harpsichords, and many more instruments of music unknown to us in Europe.
  2. From all the interwoven forest arose the smoke and bluster of the battle.
  3. The youth, peering once through a sudden rift in a cloud, saw a brown mass of troops, interwoven and magnified until they appeared to be thousands.
  4. AFTER A NIGHT of dreams interwoven with memories of what-might-have-beens and what was, Cam woke feeling logy.
  5. Here it was impossible for me to advance a step for the stalks were so interwoven that I could not creep through, and the beards of the fallen ears so strong and pointed that they pierced through my clothes into my flesh.