English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "intersecting" shine aikin hayewa ko haɗuwa a wani wuri. Yana nufin layi biyu ko fiye, hanyoyi, ko abubuwan da ke haye juna a wani matsayi ko maki, suna haifar da tsaka-tsaki. A cikin ilmin lissafi, ana amfani da "intersecting" sau da yawa don kwatanta layi ko sifofi waɗanda ke da ma'ana ko maki guda ɗaya, inda suka tsallaka ko haɗuwa. Gabaɗaya amfani, "intersecting" kuma za a iya amfani da shi daɗaɗaɗa don yin nuni ga kowane abu biyu ko fiye da suka taru ko suka zo juna ta wata hanya.


  1. intersectant
  2. decussate

Sentence Examples

  1. In the distant intersecting street roads, more dead people.
  2. The expansive library greeted them as they stepped onto the dark-blue carpet with red and white intersecting lines and black borders.
  3. And like her home here, they were set in a cul-de-sac intersecting the main street.
  4. A moment later, Marcus emerged from one of the intersecting streets, reined up and nodded once.
  5. Desa stood in the intersecting street with fists on her hips, her chin thrust out as she watched them scramble.
  6. Shadows on an intersecting street resolved into Ducane, who came into the light with a hand on his pistol.
  7. They passed the alleys intersecting with small houses to the third tier.
  8. He approached the freeway, intersecting some slow old man in a beetle.
  9. After they had walked about fifty meters, the Rahani came to an intersecting passage and turned left.