English to hausa meaning of

Mai fassara shine mutumin da ke fassara ko bayyana kalmomin magana ko rubutattun kalmomi daga wannan harshe zuwa wani a cikin ainihin lokaci, yawanci yana sauƙaƙe sadarwa tsakanin mutanen da ke magana da harsuna daban-daban. Hakanan tana iya komawa ga mutumin da ya bayyana ko ya fayyace ma’anar wani abu, kamar waƙa ko aikin fasaha. A cikin kwamfuta, mai fassara shine shirin da ke fassarawa da aiwatar da code a cikin babban yaren shirye-shirye, yawanci layi daya a lokaci guda, sabanin hada dukkan lambar zuwa harshen injin tukuna.

Sentence Examples

  1. However, since the king was pleased to allow me access to his royal person, I was resolved upon the very first occasion, to deliver my opinion to him on this matter freely and at large, by the help of my interpreter and whether he would please to take my advice or no, yet in one thing I was determined, that his majesty having frequently offered me an establishment in this country, I would with great thankfulness accept the favor, and pass my life here in the conversation of those superior beings the struldbrugs, if they would please to admit me.
  2. One day, as I was in the Alcana of Toledo, a boy came up to sell some pamphlets and old papers to a silk mercer, and, as I am fond of reading even the very scraps of paper in the streets, led by this natural bent of mine I took up one of the pamphlets the boy had for sale, and saw that it was in characters which I recognised as Arabic, and as I was unable to read them though I could recognise them, I looked about to see if there were any Spanish-speaking Morisco at hand to read them for me nor was there any great difficulty in finding such an interpreter, for even had I sought one for an older and better language I should have found him.
  3. I hired a young man who came in the same ship to be an interpreter he was a native of Luggnagg, but had lived some years at Maldonada, and was a perfect master of both languages.
  4. The king was much delighted with my company, and ordered his bliffmarklub, or high-chamberlain, to appoint a lodging in the court for me and my interpreter, with a daily allowance for my table, and a large purse of gold for my common expenses.
  5. Not speaking French, was examined through an interpreter.
  6. It is to be observed, that these ambassadors spoke to me by an interpreter, the languages of both empires differing as much from each other as any two in Europe, and each nation priding itself upon the antiquity, beauty, and energy of their own tongues, with an avowed contempt for that of their neighbor yet our emperor, standing upon the advantage he had got by the seizure of their fleet, obliged them to deliver their credentials, and make their speech in the Lilliputian tongue.
  7. All my retinue was that poor lad for an interpreter, whom I persuaded into my service, and at my humble request, we had each of us a mule to ride on.
  8. I spoke in the Balnibarbian tongue, and my interpreter delivered my meaning in that of Luggnagg.
  9. I had many acquaintances among persons of the best fashion, and being always attended by my interpreter, the conversation we had was not disagreeable.
  10. At last the same gentleman who had been my interpreter said he was desired by the rest to set me right in a few mistakes which I had fallen into through the common imbecility of human nature, and upon that allowance was less answerable for them.