English to hausa meaning of

Bisa ga ƙamus, kalmar “interior” tana iya samun ma’anoni kamar haka:Noun: Abun ciki ko na ciki; wurin ciki ko sarari a cikin wani abu, gini, ko sarari. Misali: "An ƙawata cikin gidan da kyau." Ma'anar: Dangantaka da ciki ko na ciki na wani abu; a ciki. Misali: "Bangaren cikin dakin an yi musu fentin shudi." Misali: “Ministan harkokin cikin gida yana kula da tabbatar da doka da kare lafiyar jama’a.” Suna: Yanayin ciki ko halin mutum ko abu. Misali: "Duk da taurinsa na waje, yana da wani irin ciki." boye ko boye. Misali: "Ayyukan ciki na na'ura suna da rikitarwa kuma suna da rikitarwa." ba kusa da gabar ruwa ko iyaka ba. Misali: "Sun tafi yawon shakatawa ne don gano yankunan da ke cikin kasar." da aiki. Misali: "Ta dauki hayar mai zanen ciki don gyara dakinta."Lura: Ma'anar kalmomi na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin, kuma ana iya samun ƙarin ma'anar a cikin kamus daban-daban.


  1. inside

Sentence Examples

  1. I considered following a student inside to gander at the dreary interior décor, but stopped when two snowballs slammed into my shoulder.
  2. All the colours from the interior of the Fortress were reflected in the city below it.
  3. A literal labyrinth of weapon racks filled the interior, with pathways between them stretching for miles.
  4. Raising his hand to the door he pressed it further open and stepped across the threshold into the dimly lit interior.
  5. Jack saw that the gates to the enclosed courtyard stood open, but until he turned a slight bend in the path ahead he was denied a view of the interior.
  6. The lit interior is a little emporium of leftovers and small treats.
  7. The interior was painted white, halogens illuminating the whole sorry display.
  8. With a uniform action, five of the doors on the train opened sideways, giving a glimpse of the interior.
  9. Light from the interior momentarily split the street in half before the door closed once more.
  10. I ungracefully swing my butt to the seat and pull my shirt down which has risen above my waist exposing my lovely white interior.