English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "na hankali" ita ce yin wani abu tare da mai da hankali sosai, da mai da hankali ga daki-daki. Yana nufin yin wani abu mai ƙarfi da kafaffen manufa, sau da yawa tare da ɗokin cimma wani sakamako na musamman. Hakanan yana iya nufin kallon wani abu mai tsananin sha'awa ko sha'awa, kamar ana nazarinsa sosai ko kuma neman wani takamaiman abu.

Sentence Examples

  1. Elizabeth stood looking down for a long time, unaware of grey eyes watching her intently from the corner of the room.
  2. Evan took his hands slowly away from his face, staring at them intently.
  3. Heading to the door and the source of the noise, I press one ear to the wood and listen to a man explaining something and, when I gaze out the peephole, see a group standing behind him, listening intently.
  4. I noticed Luke shuffling near Dominic, still staring intently at his stupid phone, but his head was tipped to the side, like he was listening for something.
  5. Eventually, I peeked through spiky sword ferns and listened intently.
  6. Gettelung hung on the periphery, listening intently.
  7. He watched me intently, never breaking eye contact.
  8. Drinking a Coke, he appeared to be studying the can rather intently.
  9. The other, in military garb, was listening intently, his arms folded.
  10. Jack knew he was right when both of them pulled their horses together and blocked the road, steel drawn, watching him intently.