English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar insulation shine aikin insulating ko yanayin da aka keɓe. Insulation yana nufin abu ko abubuwan da ake amfani da su don rufe wani abu, kamar gini ko wayar lantarki, don hana wucewar zafi, wutar lantarki, ko sauti. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga tsarin kare wani abu daga tasirin da ba'a so ko tasirin waje, kamar rufewa daga tasirin siyasa ko zamantakewa.

Sentence Examples

  1. No insulation, and on the other side, that bathroom and the shooter.
  2. After they finish the upgrade to the fire system, fire retardant spray insulation is applied.
  3. Flames had engulfed the house and made short work of the exterior frame and insulation.
  4. A person good at carpentry can make a hole, put treasures inside where the insulation goes and then patch it up with plaster.
  5. Glass, rocks, wisps of insulation, and shards of wood tumbled around her.
  6. They wired and plumbed erected windows, siding, vapor barrier, and insulation installed and buried the septic tank and connected it to the septic field and cut, nailed, and plastered drywall.
  7. She had taken extra care to provide some subtle insulation, filling any gaps and cracks she found and ensuring that her door fit snugly into its frame.