English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rashin hankali" shine yanayin rashin sani ko rashin kula da mahalli, motsin rai, ko ji. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa ga rashin hankali na jiki ko na tunani ko rashin amsawa ga abubuwan motsa jiki. A cikin sharuɗɗan likitanci, rashin jin daɗi na iya nufin rasa hayyacinsa ko rashin jin zafi saboda maganin sa barci ko wasu yanayin kiwon lafiya.

Sentence Examples

  1. Each instant he seemed as though he would open his eyes and speak but then would follow a prolonged stertorous breath, and he would relapse into a more fixed insensibility.
  2. Oh, merciful heavens, was I not accessory to his death by my supine insensibility, by my contempt for him, not remembering, or not willing to remember, that it was for my sake he had become a traitor and a perjurer?
  3. The scramble for copies which, as we have seen, followed immediately on the appearance of the book, does not look like general insensibility to its merits.
  4. The grating against the library-door aroused the young girl from the stupor in which she was plunged, and which almost amounted to insensibility.
  5. The difficulty was great of driving his strange insensibility towards Harriet, from her mind, while he not only sat at her elbow, but was continually obtruding his happy countenance on her notice, and solicitously addressing her upon every occasion.