English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "rauni" cuta ce ta zahiri ko ta hankali ko lalacewa daga wani ƙarfi ko wakili na waje. Yana iya nufin rauni, rauni, karyewar kashi, ko duk wani nau'in cutarwar jiki ta hanyar haɗari, tashin hankali, ko cuta. Hakanan yana iya nufin cutarwar tunani ko tunani wanda wani lamari mai rauni ko gogewa ya haifar. Gabaɗaya, rauni shine duk wani lahani ko lalacewa da ke lalata aikin jiki ko tunani na yau da kullun.

Sentence Examples

  1. Fogg should not receive any injury, at least until they got back to London.
  2. Our Chief Anatomical Examiner confirmed that Toran Stowley died of self-inflicted injury.
  3. The injury was to his right side, and as Jack readied himself for a second attack the man, shrieking in pain, dropped the blade from his hand.
  4. The traumatic brain injury I suffered was what kick-started this whole telepathy bullshit.
  5. Rouge would give me your power of the Scholar I give you some minor injury when you come back to take it.
  6. Eventually, I was honorably discharged due to the lingering effects from the brain injury, and from what my doctors believed was a mild case of post-traumatic stress disorder.
  7. Suffering no injury in the fall except a good soaking, Catherine retrieved her horse, which stood hock deep in the water next to its drenched rider.
  8. His right arm convulsed, and Hawke wheezed as he tore the bandages from it, watching as the last remnants of his infected injury faded to nothing.
  9. Not wanting to add further injury to herself, she kept her head low over the horse, relying heavily on the fact that her mount would not ride directly into the unyielding trees.
  10. The waiter trod on his foot, adding injury to insult and he changed his mind about the library, and made a swift about face and went home.