English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "shaka" shine shakar iska ko wasu abubuwa cikin huhu. Wannan shi ne tsarin shan iska ko wani abu a cikin jiki ta hanyar shaka ta hanci ko baki. Kishiyar fitar numfashi ce, wato tsarin fitar da iska ko wasu abubuwa daga huhu. Shakar shakar wani muhimmin tsari ne ga masu rai yayin da yake ba su damar samun iskar oxygen da sakin carbon dioxide, wanda ya zama dole don rayuwa.

Sentence Examples

  1. I catch a waft of the scent of eucalyptus and inhale.
  2. Feeling relaxed and safe in his arms, I inhale his scent deeply.
  3. They crammed next to the rotting frame trying to inhale air.
  4. He takes it as consent and continues to inhale me as if his life depends on it.
  5. I inhale sharply, mustering the courage to look him straight in the eyes.
  6. Then with a huge huff and a big inhale, Harry whispered fragilely.
  7. Feeling somewhat cheated out of that scrap of wellbeing, I inhale and leave Bill and Gloria to it.
  8. When I open my door and inhale the aroma of garlicky fish, my mouth waters.
  9. As I inhale to speak, images flash into my mind like movie stills.
  10. Smell the gold perfuming this rarefied air, he thought, resisting the urge to inhale deeply.