English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kumbura" shine zama ja, kumbura, zafi, da yawan zafi, musamman sakamakon rauni ko kamuwa da cuta. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga yanayi ko jin ƙara ƙarfi ko tashin hankali.

Sentence Examples

  1. The sight of blood inflamed its anger into phrenzy.
  2. To this I would reply that the same end would be, beyond all comparison, better attained by means of good plays than by those that are not so for after listening to an artistic and properly constructed play, the hearer will come away enlivened by the jests, instructed by the serious parts, full of admiration at the incidents, his wits sharpened by the arguments, warned by the tricks, all the wiser for the examples, inflamed against vice, and in love with virtue for in all these ways a good play will stimulate the mind of the hearer be he ever so boorish or dull and of all impossibilities the greatest is that a play endowed with all these qualities will not entertain, satisfy, and please much more than one wanting in them, like the greater number of those which are commonly acted now-a-days.
  3. Even through my bruised and inflamed eyes, though, there was no mistaking the tall figure that stepped into the firelight, sword raised before him.
  4. This inflamed his rage he repeated his threatenings, and turning to his companions, spoke with great vehemence in the Japanese language, as I suppose, often using the word Christianos.
  5. I told him that we fed on a thousand things which operated contrary to each other that we ate when we were not hungry, and drank without the provocation of thirst that we sat whole nights drinking strong liquors, without eating a bit, which disposed us to sloth, inflamed our bodies, and precipitated or prevented digestion.
  6. I can feel the swelling beneath the fabric of my trousers, inflamed, hot and throbbing, signs of infection.
  7. He touched an inflamed area on his neck, a newly printed black splotch at its core.
  8. Your beauty has inflamed my heart, senorita, and I would have you for my wife.
  9. Though the cheeks of Cora were pale and her countenance anxious, she had lost none of her firmness but the eyes of Alice were inflamed, and betrayed how long and bitterly she had wept.
  10. Lothario observed all this, and it inflamed him all the more.