English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "kamuwa da cuta" yana nufin tsarin yada cuta ko rashin lafiya daga wata kwayar halitta zuwa wata. Hakanan yana iya komawa zuwa mamaye jiki ta hanyar ƙwayoyin cuta masu cutarwa, kamar ƙwayoyin cuta, ƙwayoyin cuta, ko fungi, waɗanda ke haifar da cuta ko cuta. Gabaɗaya, kamuwa da cuta yana da alaƙa da kasancewa da haɓakar ƙananan ƙwayoyin cuta a cikin jikin kwayoyin halitta, wanda zai iya haifar da lalacewa ko rushe ayyukan jiki na yau da kullun. Alamomin kamuwa da cuta na iya haɗawa da zazzabi, zafi, kumburi, da sauran alamun rashin lafiya. A wasu lokuta, ana iya magance cututtuka ta hanyar maganin rigakafi ko wasu magunguna, yayin da a wasu kuma, suna iya buƙatar ƙarin jiyya ko kulawa mai gudana.

Sentence Examples

  1. Would you hunker down, and hope the infection somehow passes you by, praying to whatever God you think will help?
  2. Only a severe infection does, which means her cause of death was sepsis rather than being hit by the vehicle.
  3. More than half ran with ease, the clumsiness of the first few days of infection gone, the hunger taking over.
  4. She had cut away the infection, she had saved him, but Harry had a suspicion something inhuman lurked within her.
  5. I can feel the swelling beneath the fabric of my trousers, inflamed, hot and throbbing, signs of infection.
  6. All I can say is that you should get far away from anyone showing any signs of infection.
  7. In the beginning, it was thought that they were just partaking in a mindless whirlwind of insanity and infection.
  8. Going inland meant a smaller population and a lower chance of infection.
  9. Was there something about the infection that spoiled their meat in a way that kept them from cannibalizing each other?
  10. Crazy recommendations came out of the Kremlin, such as shooting anyone showing signs of infection or even bombing the worst of the cities.