English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "inducing" shine haifar ko kawo wani abu, yawanci wani yanayi ko yanayi. Hakanan yana iya nufin a rinjayi ko rinjayar wani ya yi wani abu, sau da yawa ta yin amfani da abin ƙarfafawa ko wasu hanyoyin ƙarfafawa. Gabaɗaya, ƙaddamarwa yana nufin haifar ko haɓaka wani tasiri ko sakamako.


  1. inducement

Sentence Examples

  1. The distressing cries was too intense, headache inducing.
  2. By dint of entreaties, threats, commands, he succeeded in inducing a sentinel to speak to one of the subalterns, who went and told the major.
  3. There were, however, many particulars inducing me to believe that my average rate of travelling might possibly very much exceed that of thirty miles per hour, and, as these considerations did not fail to make a deep impression upon my mind, I will mention them more fully hereafter.
  4. The limited nature of my education in general, and more especially my ignorance on subjects connected with natural philosophy, so far from rendering me diffident of my own ability to comprehend what I had read, or inducing me to mistrust the many vague notions which had arisen in consequence, merely served as a farther stimulus to imagination and I was vain enough, or perhaps reasonable enough, to doubt whether those crude ideas which, arising in ill-regulated minds, have all the appearance, may not often in effect possess all the force, the reality, and other inherent properties, of instinct or intuition whether, to proceed a step farther, profundity itself might not, in matters of a purely speculative nature, be detected as a legitimate source of falsity and error.
  5. Though answered in the negative, he begged so earnestly to be permitted to visit those on the fifth floor, that, in despite of the oft-repeated assurance of the concierge that they were occupied, Dantès succeeded in inducing the man to go up to the tenants, and ask permission for a gentleman to be allowed to look at them.
  6. The stench of the horde was vomit inducing and the smell wafted ungraciously under the gap at the bottom of the door.