English to hausa meaning of

A bisa daidaitattun ƙamus, ma'anar kalmar "mutum" ita ce:Noun:Mutum ɗaya ne, sabanin ƙungiya ko aji. Mutum ya bambanta da sauran jama'a ko jama'a, yawanci tare da sifofi, halaye, ko halaye na musamman. Dangantaka ko siffa ta mutum ɗaya ko abu, bamban da sauran. daban ko bambanta da wasu.Lura: Ma'anar kalma na iya bambanta dangane da mahallin da aka yi amfani da ita, kuma ƙamus daban-daban na iya ba da ma'anoni daban-daban ko ma'anar kalma.

Sentence Examples

  1. One individual was juggling an assortment of balls, weapons, and lit torches with an almost bored look on his face.
  2. Poe has attained an individual eminence in our literature which he will keep.
  3. Now I am going to have to send my mind searching for a particular little individual.
  4. The same individual submitted to me, without being at all aware of my intentions, a method of constructing balloons from the membrane of a certain animal, through which substance any escape of gas was nearly an impossibility.
  5. Sure, he was a nasty individual, but Evan knew what it was like to live without a family.
  6. After an hour or so, they took turns entertaining us with individual solos.
  7. Since our individual power rays will have a different frequency of vibration, this should set up a dissonance and gradually destabilise the soil in that area, turning it from a sol to a gel a similar effect to an earthquake.
  8. I hit the zoom button like Joe did at the restaurant and focus on the individual mists and lo and behold, the faces emerge.
  9. Acknowledgments Writing a book is not an achievement an individual person can do on his or her own.
  10. The moon cast its own glow upon the eager young faces awaiting their individual moment of triumph.