English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai zaman kanta" ita ce: Babu iko daga waje; ba a ƙarƙashin ikon wani ko ikon wani ba. Misali: "Hukumar shari'a mai zaman kanta" . Misali: "Kasuwar fasaha ta ƙunshi dillalai masu zaman kansu" ware. Misali: "Sharuɗɗa masu zaman kansu guda biyu sun haɗa da ɗan ƙaramin yanki" Mai iya kula da kansa ko kanta ba tare da dogara ga wasu ba. Misali: "mutum mai tsananin 'yanci"

Sentence Examples

  1. Her girl was a grown-up, more or less independent for the time being, and that lifted some of the worry.
  2. And despite her age and independent means, she works part-time for a local estate agent, work that suits her personality.
  3. Driven from Vermont, driven from Illinois, driven from Ohio, driven from Missouri, driven from Utah, we shall yet find some independent territory on which to plant our tents.
  4. A considerable portion of India is still free from British authority and there are certain ferocious rajahs in the interior who are absolutely independent.
  5. The government had just succeeded, with some difficulty, in reducing these independent fanatics to its rule.
  6. Numerous, seemingly independent layers actually overlapped each other to create a complex web.
  7. Who was he that did not know that knights-errant are independent of all jurisdictions, that their law is their sword, their charter their prowess, and their edicts their will?
  8. To bring my argument to a close, I would say then, gentle sir, let your son go on as his star leads him, for being so studious as he seems to be, and having already successfully surmounted the first step of the sciences, which is that of the languages, with their help he will by his own exertions reach the summit of polite literature, which so well becomes an independent gentleman, and adorns, honours, and distinguishes him, as much as the mitre does the bishop, or the gown the learned counsellor.
  9. The two councils were supposed to be independent of each other, and the king is supposed to be independent of them.