English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "marasa daidaituwa" ba ta dace ko daidaitawa da kewaye ko wasu bangarorin wani abu ba; ba cikin yarjejeniya ko daidai da wani abu ba; rashin daidaituwa ko dacewa. Yana iya komawa ga wani abu da ake ganin bai dace ba a cikin wani yanayi, ko kuma abin da bai dace ba ko kuma ya dace da sauran rukuni ko tsarin.

Sentence Examples

  1. They looked so incongruous against his muscular forearms that I wanted to laugh.
  2. Odd thoughts to have at a time of tragedy, incongruous thoughts, yet the cyclists, the walkers, the tourists of all stripes bent on exploring this little bit of land, I suddenly hate them, blame them all for everything, for their hedonism, their selfishness, their ignorance.
  3. With sickness of the heart the wanderer will flee back to the polluted Paris as to a less odious because less incongruous sink of pollution.
  4. Driver feels somewhat incongruous right wing pride when he catches client gawking at teenage girls.
  5. The simplicity of the place was incongruous with its crucial national security purposes.
  6. The dressing mirror and chest of drawers stood incongruous with the square coffee table and makeshift mantelpiece enclosing a gaping hole meant for a gas fire.
  7. A dark sedan waited, as incongruous as the road itself, which cut through thick woods and was barely wide enough for one vehicle.
  8. She has on a polka dot, wasp-waisted, wiggle skirt and figure-hugging top, an outfit entirely incongruous with the setting.
  9. This is incongruous with his otherwise slovenly appearance.
  10. made but a faint attempt to parry this unexpected blow the monarchy he had scarcely reconstructed tottered on its precarious foundation, and at a sign from the emperor the incongruous structure of ancient prejudices and new ideas fell to the ground.