English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na "incivility" shine:halaye ko rashin mutunci ko magana, yawanci wanda ya keta ka'idojin zamantakewa ko ƙa'idodin ɗabi'a na ladabi a cikin al'ada ko al'umma. Yana nufin ayyuka ko kalmomin da ba su da kyau, zagi, cin zarafi, ko kuma waɗanda ba su dace ba a cikin zamantakewa ko sana'a.

Sentence Examples

  1. They then lay to, and lowering a skiff or boat, as many as a dozen Frenchmen, well armed with match-locks, and their matches burning, got into it and came alongside and seeing how few we were, and that our vessel was going down, they took us in, telling us that this had come to us through our incivility in not giving them an answer.