English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "jihar jiki" ita ce sanyawa ko bayyana wani inganci ko ra'ayi na musamman a siffar ɗan adam. Hakanan yana iya komawa ga bangaskiyar Kirista cewa Yesu Almasihu Allah ne cikin jiki, ma'ana cewa shi Allah ne a cikin surar mutum. Gabaɗaya, ana amfani da kalmar don bayyana wani abu da aka ba da siffa ko siffa mai zahiri, sau da yawa a siffar mutum ko ta zahiri.

Sentence Examples

  1. With three aunts who have devoted their lives to the service of others as Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word, and Sisters of Saint Francis of the Neumann Communities, I have had the privilege to witness firsthand the good they have done through their work in education, health care, building safe and affordable housing for the elderly, and providing love and safety for children in need, just to name a few of the ways that they have improved the lives of others while living their faith.
  2. Axandra sensed that most of the onlookers were harmless, their minds still wrapping around the idea of the Goddess incarnate.
  3. The unsettling music alone that came from the flutes would have made me tremble if I was in a dark room alone, how much more being right next to evil incarnate.
  4. He was beauty incarnate, yet not beauty as she had ever seen it before.