English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "impromptu" sifa ce da ke bayyana wani abu da aka yi, ko magana, ko aikatawa ba tare da shiri ko maimaitawa ba. Hakanan ana iya amfani da shi azaman karin magana don siffanta wani aiki ko aikin da aka yi ta hanyar da ba ta dace ba, ma'ana an yi shi ba tare da ɓata lokaci ba ko kuma a kan lokaci.

Sentence Examples

  1. Within a few blocks, the procession had outgrown the width of the sidewalk, and people were spilling out into the street, causing drivers to slow down and gawk at the impromptu parade.
  2. After about ten minutes of walking, Chris and Sorcha stopped under a streetlight for an impromptu kissing session.
  3. At the end of the awards, one of the students gave a brief, impromptu speech thanking everyone for the training and the associated opportunity.
  4. One of the Barghest had taken an impromptu flying lesson, but other than that, things were going swimmingly.
  5. Acting upon this impromptu visual sensation has caused something to shift at my core.
  6. The steady succession of eulogies ranged from elaborate to impromptu by characters as disparate as the content.
  7. I do believe we now have an impromptu passage into the tunnel above.
  8. The inspector chose that moment for an impromptu request.
  9. The remainder of the room was kept empty to allow for impromptu gatherings and functions.
  10. He had sent a runner to round up a dozen picked men for an impromptu pre-dawn parade on the hard sands beside Broughty Castle.