English to hausa meaning of

Ma'anar ƙamus na kalmar "mai burgewa" ita ce samun ikon burgewa ko jawo sha'awa, jin tsoro, ko girmamawa saboda girmanta, mahimmancinta, ingancinta, ko aiwatar da gwaninta. Wani abu mai ban sha'awa yawanci abin ban mamaki ne, mai ban mamaki, ko na musamman ta wata hanya da ke sa ya fice daga na yau da kullun. Yana iya nufin mutane, ayyuka, wasan kwaikwayo, ko abubuwan da ke barin wani tasiri mai ƙarfi da inganci ga wasu.

Sentence Examples

  1. After a quick trip outside of town, we stop at Thorncrown Chapel, a magnificent structure rising heavenwards in the Ozark woods with four hundred and twenty-five windows and more than six thousand square feet of glass, an impressive, uplifting site that mirrors my mood.
  2. Not as it was today, an impressive shadow of former greatness, but whole.
  3. A limestone facade mined from local Betscha quarries in the 1870s covered all three stories of the impressive building.
  4. Kila followed Burl into the Council Hall, which was no less impressive inside than out.
  5. The Staerleigh enclave was impressive, but then they all were.
  6. There were no other signs of trouble within House Staerleigh, which from all indications ran with impressive precision.
  7. Surely the gods were better served by those who could work the land, ply the seas, and build impressive structures to their glory than those who had a talent for prancing about singing and pretending to be someone other than themselves.
  8. It was an impressive structure, rising sixty feet above the water line.
  9. I head for the entrance doors, equally impressive, as a party of eight holidaymakers file their way outside.
  10. Jessica ushered me into a grand foyer and lead me into an impressive, recently remodeled kitchen.